Ramzan Kadyrov: the Chechen dictator who's showing off his adorable side

March 2024 · 2 minute read
Pass notesRamzan KadyrovChechnya's leader is deluging Instagram with pictures of him and cuddly animals after claims of human rights violations

Age: 36

Appearance: Like a more well-weathered Guy Garvey, smiling a lot.

Who is he? He's the dictatorial leader of the state of Chechnya, accused in the world media of human rights violations …

But he's denied it hasn't he? Still, he doesn't sound very nice. … who has, in his time as the big boss man (six years this week and counting) been embroiled in a sauna-based mobile phone footage sex scandal, been quoted expressing support for seven honour killings in 2009 based on the belief that wives belong to their husbands …

I have to say, you're not winning me over. … and has called for energy drinks to be banned in Chechnya, calling them "intoxicating drugs unacceptable in a Muslim society". Oh, and his paramilitary supporters tend to abduct, torture and kill Islamist rebels as well.

You see, you almost had me with the energy drinks thing but then you had to go and spoil it. He has a lot of medals.

The kind that you award yourself when you are a dictator. Yes.

He needs a PR overhaul, a way of making himself seem less horrible. Well, it's funny you should say that. Perhaps wary of being seen as the kind of man whose armed supporters occasionally display decorated severed heads as a warning to opposition, Ramzan has taken to Instagram.

Hopefully not to display decorated severed heads. Quite the opposite. Instead, Ramzan's deluge of Instagram pics includes shots of him being adorable with animals. These include him cradling the head of a bemused horse lovingly in his arms, playfully chasing an ostrich, reclining with a baby tiger across his lap and, most heartwarmingly of all, tenderly holding a new-born chick, a look of beatific paternity on his face.

That's simply adorable. Kadyrov has a large menagerie of exotic pets to call upon, as well as a huge collection of expensive cars. Hilary Swank and Seal attended his 35th birthday party, too.

Who pays for all the pets and cars and obsolete pop star guests? Good question. Someone asked Kadyrov himself once and he said: "Allah gives it to us! I don't know, it comes from somewhere."

Don't say: "Behold! It is the Beast of Grozny!"

Do say: "Behold! It is the very nice, not-murderous-at-all man of Grozny and his beasts. Please don't torture me."
