Destiny Baptist Church of Christ, Rock Island, will celebrate Pastor Donald William Johnson’s 30th pastoral anniversary Sunday, Sept. 17, during the 11 a.m. worship service and an afternoon service at 4 p.m.
The anniversary theme is “His Pastor Partnering With His Revitalized Church to Evangelize His
World,” Philippians 1:1-11.
Guest preacher is Dr. Robert Smith, Jr., former pastor of the New Mission Missionary Baptist Church of Cincinnati, Ohio. He presently serves as professor of Christian preaching and holds the Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, Alabama.
Smith will preach a second time at 4 p.m. for local pastors and members who could not attend the morning service, as well as invited fellow pastors from the region. The afternoon service will provide them travel time, the news release says.
After the second service, there will be a fellowship time where Smith will do a book signing.
“Pastor G. Ministries has partnered with us to pray for our pastor. If you’d like to join us, please text ‘pray’ to 405-622-8448,” the news release says. “You will receive a daily text during the 31 days of the prayer focus,” as well as a focus Scripture to pray for Johnson.
For more information or to make reservations, email by Sept. 8 to