STRESSED out women are turning to BONDAGE to relax.
A new sex craze sweeping the US has people flocking to fetish parties to combat stress with some S&M.

Bree T, a 21-year-old from Brooklyn, has told how she discovered ‘meditation bondage’ at a kinky sexfest in Pennsylvania where she was tied up and suspended several feet in the air.
She said: “I was shocked.
“I gave up control of my body and went into this meditative state. I felt completely disconnected with what was going on around me. I became unaware of my weight.”
The student now takes regular bondage sessions to relax and has transferred the technique into everyday life.

She added: “As I’m being elevated I recite a poem to myself or repeat a mantra and I breathe into the experience. I’ve learned to do it during stresses in my day-to-day life.
“In the midst of chaotic moments, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and recite the poem to myself — just as I would when suspended. It takes me outside of my body for a minute and gives me a new perspective.”

Bree is not the only New Yorker taking up bondage as a stress-buster.
A 32-year-old woman who goes by the name Erin Houdini teaches biweekly bondage classes said she liked to be tied up for up to TWO HOURS.
She told the New York Post: “My favourite thing is to be hogtied — with my wrists and ankles attached from the back — and then being left alone.”
“After my movement gets taken away, troubles and worries fade. I come out of it and feel as if I had been in a deep sleep. It’s one of the times in which I feel completely rested. It goes beyond sexuality — way beyond it.”
A 27-year-old attorney in Harlem, who asked to not be named for privacy reasons, has roped her friends in for sessions.
She said a male friend “came over and tied both of my legs together very tightly. I remained completely clothed and sipped a glass of wine.
“The blood flow decreased and I relaxed. It’s very pleasurable to just quiet my mind, which seems to be active all the time.”
Another bondage lover Jefferson, 52, likens it to a baby finding comfort in being swaddled. During times of stress he ties his legs together and mentally checks in.
His girlfriend practices full-on Transcendental Meditation with scarves binding her arms to her body in order to engage more fully.
“Bondage is about pushing you to other states of consciousness,” says Chris Donaghue, Ph.D., a Los Angeles-based psychologist, sex therapist and author of Sex Outside the Lines.
She said: “You let go and the rope provides you with something to focus on. Some people need the rope to get into this state.”

However, Jefferson is quick to point out that bondage does not necessarily equal instant karma for everyone.
He said: “These things don’t automatically put you into the state.
“It’s not like a drug. A certain amount of focus is required.”