This Sunday was planned to be a joyous event, marking the 20th anniversary of the Quad Cities’ “Night to Honor Israel,” at Moline’s River City Church.
Following the horrific attacks this past weekend in Israel where over 900 Israeli men, women and children were killed by the Palestinian Hamas terrorists, the QC Night to Honor Israel committee is adjusting the Oct. 15 evening program in response to the events unfolding in the Middle East.
Unfortunately, the scheduled keynote speaker Danielle Mor (Vice President, Israel and Global Philanthropy Director, Christian Friends of the Jewish Agency for Israel), will not be able to leave Israel at this time, the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities said Tuesday.
“But even in the midst of this unspeakable tragedy, we hold to the hope of the scriptures that Adonai holds His people in the palm of His hand,” the announcement said. “With that, this night will feature a celebration of the miracle of Israel’s 75th year of its rebirth after 2,000 years.”
“The Quad Cities will come together, and we will stand with Israel and her people during these difficult days,” the Jewish Federation said.
The 20th-annual “Night to Honor Israel” is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15, at River City Church, 2305 7th Ave., Moline.
The free-will offering at the event will go directly to assist the Jewish families and communities who have been devastated by Hamas terror in Southern Israel, the Jewish Federation said.
The Night to Honor Israel is a non-conversionary event where Christians and Jews stand together hand-in-hand, shoulder-to-shoulder, and announce to a hostile world that they support Israel and the Jewish people and are united in peace.
The night usually features praise and worship, music, and dance. Over $850,000 has been raised over the past 19 years for humanitarian projects in Israel to include immigration, integration, and safety.
You can donate online HERE to this worthy cause at any time or by clicking one of the “Donate buttons” at the QC Night to Honor Israel website HERE.