How old is Alex Balfanz? When is Alex Balfanz's birthday? Where is Alex Balfanz born? Where did Alex Balfanz grow up from? What's Alex Balfanz's age?
Alex Balfanz Born: May 5, 1999 (age 24years), Orlando, Florida, United States
How about Alex Balfanz's known_for?
Alex Balfanz Known_for: Programmer and co-creator of the Roblox game Jailbreak
How about Alex Balfanz's other_name?
Alex Balfanz Other_name: badcc, badccvoid
How about Alex Balfanz's education?
Alex Balfanz Education: Trinity Preparatory School
How about Alex Balfanz's nationality?
Alex Balfanz Nationality: American
How much money does Alex Balfanz make?
Alex Balfanz (born: May 5, 1999 (1999-05-05) [age 24]), also known as badcc, is an American YouTuber, college student, and Roblox game developer. On Roblox, he is known for creating Jailbreak with asimo3089.
How much money has the creator of Jailbreak made?
Alex Balfanz (born: May 5, 1999 (1999-05-05) [age 24]), also known as badcc, is an American YouTuber, college student, and Roblox game developer. On Roblox, he is known for creating Jailbreak with asimo3089.
Who is asimo3089 in real life?
Alex Balfanz (born: May 5, 1999 (1999-05-05) [age 24]), also known as badcc, is an American YouTuber, college student, and Roblox game developer. On Roblox, he is known for creating Jailbreak with asimo3089.
Who made Jailbreak Roblox username?
Alex Balfanz (born: May 5, 1999 (1999-05-05) [age 24]), also known as badcc, is an American YouTuber, college student, and Roblox game developer. On Roblox, he is known for creating Jailbreak with asimo3089.